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Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Breast augmentation is performed for both aesthetic concerns of the patients, symmetry issues and breast loss situations caused by various illnesses, breastfeeding, traumas, etc. Breast augmentation can be performed surgically or non-surgically. Surgical procedures’ effects last a lifetime. However non-surgical breast augmentation techniques provide a fuller look for 5 to 8 years. On the other hand, operation and recovery processes are shorter and painless in non-surgical breast augmentation, but patients must be very careful about the post-operative factors which take time to become normal again after surgical breast augmentation.
Surgical breast augmentation provides permanent results. Breast implants are used for surgical breast augmentation. These prostheses vary in shape, size, material and surface texture. There is no best implant in the world. These various implants are designed for different types of needs, and the best implant can be chosen according to the results of examinations. While the patient uses the implants, fuller and bigger breast look maintains.
Before the operation, the patient may stop using certain medications according to the doctor’s advice. General anesthesia is applied to the patient for this operation. Breast augmentation operation has risks like all other surgical operations. There might be infections or allergic reactions. Tenderness or numbness may occur after surgery for a week. If these side effects last longer, the patient must contact her doctor immediately.
After the surgeries that are performed in unlicensed clinics, unsanitary hospitals or by inexperienced doctors may cause complete loss of sensation or loss of the breast or even worst result. That’s why, the patients who decide to have breast augmentation surgery must research the clinic, doctors, hospital and other essential factors.
There are 2 techniques of non-surgical breast augmentation: Aquafilling and fat transfer.
Creams, gels and other cosmetic products applied to the skin cannot provide breast enhancement.
If a patient wants bigger and fuller breasts but also a fast recovery, aquafilling and fat transfer are the only FDA proven techniques.
Aquafilling is a hydrophilic gel that has three-dimensional molecular structure. The aquafilling gel corresponds to human tissue very well, and it does not harm the body. The gel composed of 98% water and 2% copolyamide. Aquafilling can also be used for buttock enlargement, leg contouring, body contouring, reconstructive applications, etc.
Aquafilling is applied under local anesthesia. The patient is perfectly awake during the operation but does not feel any pain.
Fat transfer performs under both general and local anesthesia. For fat transfer, a sufficient amount of fat cells collecting from the patient’s body. It’s an excellent opportunity to specify the areas that have excess fat with the doctor and have liposuction to get rid of stubborn fat cells. After liposuction, the collected fat is processed to be ready for transfer. Under local anesthesia, processed fat is injected under the skin, and the doctor shapes the breasts with the help of a medical massage. Fat transfer can be applied almost everywhere in the body. Fat transfer has no common side effects because it is the patient’s own fat. That is why the body doesn’t react the filling.
Don’t forget to ask your doctor what procedure is better for you! The reason that there are different techniques is that there are different patients who have different needs. Doctors know the best for your health and beauty. Before making a decision, consult a doctor!